I was so glad i was watching Craigtube on Saturday morning. There i was, nodding my head in agreement with Craig about how hard times are, and the need to make money, when up popped the great man of knowledge,...
Dicky Gets Mad, Real Mad
Well it seems the Dickster has got himself all worked up and mad about our post regarding his sing song. Of course, he will claim he never visits the blog, yet within an hour of the post going up, he...
The Return Of X-Factor UK: Dicky?
With the new series of X-Factor due to return to our UK screens soon, i thought it might be a good idea to dig this classic out and see what you guys think. It's a Song that Dicky (NorthernMonkey) sung...
FAO: We Are Moving Soon
To the disappointment of Dicky and co, i'm still alive and kicking. But after watching what's happened with the letsstalk blog and having to remove certain posts, i think it's time we flew the Blogspot nest and moved the site...
PK1: I Will Get Val To Dj
PK1 is another ex Nextcut dj to move over to LDR recently. Funny how all the deluded gather in one place.This made me chuckle though: