NorthernMonkey slumped on the floor after 3 pints:
Prison For Playing Sport….
Hmmm, he's lost it you're probably thinking! Well not me, but our mentally troubled Shez (using the alias gingernutz, as you will see later) got himself so angry and worked up during Dicky's cast the other night, he came out...
UK Invasion Are Gone Again….
After another humiliating comeback cast, full of bizarre rant's, insane accusations and toddler style Photoshop's, it appears the paranoid punks need to take another break:I know i know, they say this every few days, then come back again for another...
Just Lol And His Knowledge Of Life…
Every now and then the runt of the UK Invasion, CKA Ryan pops up with some incorrect or totally meaningless story or tale to tell, usually corrected or ridiculed by Enemy_within, then slides away and does as he's told for...
MS Paint For Beginners…
Remember months back when Shez said his kids were teaching him how to use Photoshop? Well let's see how his skills are coming on:Hmmm, i take it his kids have been busy doing other things then. Shawnio will show you...