Many people tend to look down on Prostitutes/Hookers/Escorts, as though they are filthy trash. But personally, as long as both parties get what they want, i don't see anything wrong with it at all. During a Skype call with Glensroom...
Tag: glensroom
Electrojed And Glensroom Talk Discipline
It's great to see casters being friends on VaughnLive. Instead of the usual name calling, and hate between themselves, here we have two good friends , Glensroom and Electrojed, having a mature debate about how you would discipline your children....
A Paper Bag Has Many Faces
We've had just about every kind of 'entertainment' being featured on Vaughn, from dj's, to conspiracy theorists, to a pack of crayons. So it shouldn't really surprise you, when i tell you that the newest featured talent is brown bag...