Those are some huge shades IP lol
Wintard: As Modest As Ever
Looks like our resident Wintard stalker has been up to his usual failed tricks. Hmm, i've not seen any posts regarding Wintard on any of the other blogs apart from this one? Maybe i'm wrong, but i usually read...
Hey, Is That A Skype Call I Hear?
Maybe my hearing is going, you know, not being as young as i was, but i could of sworn i heard a Skype call on FoxmanShawn22's cast?
Hampshire Radio Unbanned..
..For now. Hampshire Radio, i.e the guy who owns Just-Cast, has been allowed back on Vaughn, but it doesn't take long till he starts trying to plug his ailing website. So they let him back on and he mocks them...
Welcome To Brewantigua
Another new caster to the Vaughn family, Brewantigua. Now i'm going to go out on a limb here and guess he's from Antigua? Well he seems a nice bloke, and can handle the trolls from what I've seen up top...