After his blubbering over someone mentioning pork, you know, Shez the man who follows his religion so thoroughly that somebody mentioning eating pork in a room he's not in, offends him deeply, but drinking alcohol and looking at half naked...
This Is Why VaughnLive Is Number 1
While the others like Ivlog and Uvlog are struggling to attract casters and viewers, Vaughn continues to grow by the week. In my opinion, the biggest reason for this is because on the other sites, the first hint of trolling...
Shez Is So Good His Messages Are Typed In Invisible Ink
It's a well known fact that Shezzer is a multi talented dancer, entertainer, showman, choreographer, visual effects master, painter, mirror fitter and so on. But now it seems he can even send messages using invisible ink down the good old t'internet...
NorhernMonkey: The Sex Magnet
This guy is great, apart from Adambro21, i think Dicky gives me the biggest giggles on Vaughn. He was watching his buddy Shezzer doing a cast on LDR last night and as per, is still deluded as ever.It starts off...
Don’t Believe The Rumours
Our Shezzer should become a PR for the famous and wealthy, not only is he good at bullshitting, he's also the king of spin doctors. After sort of doing a cast on LDR tonight, he finishes of with this beauty...