Before this post goes any further, it's important to point out that Zoe has issues, and as such, what she says should not always be taken as the 100% truth. But when you think back to the Tobiman and friends...
Tag: breakup
LikLik: I Was Zelda’s Puppet!
Well Ladies and Gentlemen, despite the various rumours that are circulating VL at the moment, LikLik is NOT dead. Nor is he doing 6yr's in Prison. He is alive and well, living back in his Mum's garage, piss jugs at...
Always Nice To See An Amicable Breakup
Ever since Simon (Ryderbak) and Aimee ( Dollparts) broke up, Simon has repeatedly admitted that he still loves Aimee, and regrets what happened between them. So when a guest troll mentioned that Dollparts had talked of Simon's personal hygiene, he...