Tag: hardwood
Jackielee: Hardwood Is A Satanist
I can't work out whether she is trolling here, or if she is losing her mind? *If You Can't See The Video Below, Try Using Any Browser Other than Firefox: Hardwood, a Satanist? Really? I've often said that some...
Hardwood: I Wish Scruffy And Lardo All The Best
It seems everyone is talking about the news we brought you the other day, about Scruffy and her "I'm dying" confession. So when Rizzo called in to say hi to Hardwood over at Ivlog last night, it was obvious which...
Adambro: UKM Tell It How It Is
After the unpleasant news regarding Chris, it's time to get back to what we enjoy best, some light hearted entertainment with what's left of the Social Casters community. And who better to provide that than Adam! First off, he gets...
That Mark And Hardwood Skype Call
First off, i have to give credit and say a big thanks to Infinity from our chat for the following video. Although it's just audio, it's still interesting to hear Hardwood put Mark on the spot like he does, and...