Tag: hilarious
Rizzo For Prime Minister?
I'm one of those people that prefer people to say what they mean, rather than pussy foot around because of political correctness. Especially so, when it comes to our Government. So just imagine Jimmy does a Donald Trump, and somehow...
jStevieo – I was A UN Peacekeeper
You know when you have been caught out in an embarrassing lie, the natural thing to do is keep low for a while and hope it blows over. But when you are smoking heroin and weed on a regular basis,...
Adambro: Farts Crabs & Vaginas
For me, he's the most hilarious caster left on all social casting sites these days. Over the years he's come out with some classic quotes, and the other day was no different. First up, we hear how Adam makes it...
The Genius That Is Kill Switch
You will have probably seen the Chris While Remix video floating about in the chat box, where somebody called Kill Switch did a brilliant job of mixing Chris' birthday rant with some classic video songs. If you missed it, here...