Today, 13th February, marks the birth date of everyone's favourite caster, Jimmy 'aye aye cherry pie' Rizzo. Known for being a gentle, sensitive, caring man, his request for a little birthday gift from his viewers was bound to be something...
Tag: ivlog
jStevieo: I Don’t Do Skype
The hilarious Mr Orr was back on Ivlog today, after a three week rest ( probably sick of eating pizza's) and true to form, the hilarious tales just kept on coming. He starts off with an odd claim that not...
PositiveVibe: Danny Is Such A Bitch!
There's nothing like a game of Charades when you are drinking and bored. But it becomes that little bit harder when the person playing, is drunk as a skunk, and the clues are minimal at best. Cue a drunken Tony!...
How To Solve A Problem Like No Guest Chat?
So, after Monkeysniffer's promise that guest chat would be re-introduced within a week of it being taken away, we are still nowhere near having the 'guesties' back. But it has been splitting opinion's, with some glad it's gone, and some,...
Hardwood: I Wish Scruffy And Lardo All The Best
It seems everyone is talking about the news we brought you the other day, about Scruffy and her "I'm dying" confession. So when Rizzo called in to say hi to Hardwood over at Ivlog last night, it was obvious which...