The now infamous, Stella guzzling, chain smoking, aye aye cherry pie ranting Geordie boy, Jimmy Rizzo took his cast on tour last night, visiting the ghost town that is Ivlog. In my opinion, Ivlog was doomed to fail from the...
Tag: jimmyrizzo
When Is Alixxx Not Alixxx?
When it's spelt as Alxxx. Easy eh! Well not for poor JimmyRizzo. He let it slip that he had been having trouble with his sight and was struggling to read the text. Of course, he might as well of held...
JimmyRizzo Get’s Featured, Then Comes Roco
Good old aye aye cherry pie himself was featured last night, which considering he was complaining about nobody coming in his cast only a couple of weeks ago, is quite impressive. I think at one stage he had something like...