Without wanting to sound like fat Daniel (aka Monkeysniffer), we are two days away from the ex – casting legend that is SexyChris, appearing at Preston Crown Court on charges of downloading 22 child pornography images, some of them category A, which are the most vile shit you could come across.
So what is Chris doing this week?
Feeling remorseful?
Feeling guilty?
Ready to take responsibility and apologise for downloading and watching what is the most sick, most evil, disgusting filth you could possibly imagine?
Don’t be silly!
“get this shit out of the way, come back Friday night, have a few beers and back to party”
Not only is he treating this like a day out, he’s even denying he “did it”. Which, considering we have him on video several times admitting he downloaded it, just shows the arrogance this man has.
He truly does believe he’s untouchable!
I have my own thoughts on what will happen when he finally does enter a plea, but it’s not for me to discuss that until the Courts have decided what they will do.
But the fact he’s treating this with such contempt, “get this shit out of the way” like it’s a parking ticket or something, is just typical of Chris.
If he does end up with a fine or Community Service, he will genuinely believe he’s the victim in all this, not the children he watched being raped and abused.
The only ‘good’ thing about watching this cast, was Anna’s response to being asked about what her thoughts were on UKMuppets.
What does Anna think about UKM?
A big wet fart!
Charming 🙂
Anna is a bad as him, another scrounger who pretends to have a bad back so she doesnt work, she can sit playing on her tablet all day, so she could sit at a desk doing computer work, or sit at a checkout. But no why work when mugs pay their taxes to keep idiots like her and her son in booze and fags.
I hope he is found guilty but I expect he will play the pity me Im a retard card to the full and be let off. I just hope if he is justice is administered some other way,