Now Ryan's left Vaughn (although he spends more time on there lurking than anywhere else) and moved over to Uvlog, he's delighted with the security and anti troll measures that have been put in place:As you'll have seen on many...
Walking On Water, Turning Water Into Wine, Feeding the 5000…
All examples of so called miracles, but nobody seem's to mention the fact that Freestyleradio1 can help the deaf here music again...i sh*t you not:Yes, there it is, taken from John's website, a disco for the deaf. Is that not...
Dickies Mental Health Deteriorate’s…
At an alarming rate . It's hardly confidential information amongst the casting community that his IQ matches his BMI, but just lately he's been 'erratic' at best. From hiding his cast's from everyone, to being paranoid of everyone who isn't...
When There’s Just Not Enough Tissue… the world. I can't work out if this dude is depressed, or just loves moaning?Seriously, he's on another casting platform and he still goes on about Vaughn.
Twitchy Tricky Dicky 21/02/2014
Watch how Tricky Dicky casts, he looks like a virgin being thrown into a room full of hookers. Watch how he's constantly twitching and fiddling with his headphones, microphone or webcam. A ladies man he say's....a virgin i say :-)