You know when you have been caught out in an embarrassing lie, the natural thing to do is keep low for a while and hope it blows over. But when you are smoking heroin and weed on a regular basis,...
Tag: cry baby
Mark Vaughn: It’s Official – He’s A Nerd
When it comes to making yourself look an idiot in public, nobody does it better than Mark Vaughn. So, when this happened, 95% of us found it quite entertaining, and fitting. So, what does the t'internets most famous...
Jstevieo – Those Bogus Sexual Allegations
If there is one thing Stevie is consistent at, it's being a hypocrite. Remember last weeks cast on Kageshi, where he claimed he told the Moderator that he wouldn't be reporting IP because he's a better man than that? Well, this better man...
Christopherwhiledj Bullies Menellie And Mark Gronan
As per usual with Chris, it's always 'poor me' 'i'm the victim' and 'people bully me' blah blah. But if there is one thing that is consistent with him, is he's always hypocritical about everything he complains about. He cries...