When you get to a certain age, the brain lacks some essential oils, which in turn, can lead to various memory illnesses, such as dementia and alzheimers etc. These illnesses/diseases can easily be reversed with the use of the good...
Tag: idiots
Mark And James: Separated At Birth?
There is nothing wrong with holding your hands up and saying ' look guys, i have very little idea about blah blah subject' because people will respect you for it and even offer to help you. But what both Mark...
NorthernMonkeys Had A Hard Weekend
Damn! You must be knackered taking care of those 7 viewers Dicky. Maybe you should take a few days off to recover ;-)
Our 1000th Post: How It Began
I can't believe this is our 1000th post, when in the beginning, it was only meant to be around for a couple of Months. So what better way to use it, than explain why we came about, where we got...