Many people tend to look down on Prostitutes/Hookers/Escorts, as though they are filthy trash. But personally, as long as both parties get what they want, i don't see anything wrong with it at all. During a Skype call with Glensroom...
Tag: ivlog
MeNellie: Sexy 13yr Olds
I know he was drunk, and i hope he was just trolling, but even still, there are some things you just don't say, even to get a reaction. Video Courtesy Of ClamityJames: He really doesn't help himself at times...
SexyChris: On Da Eviction (Again)
According to MeNellie, poor old Christopher is being kicked out for the 2nd time. Not surprising when you see how he lives, but the question is, where can he go now lol? Can't confirm it, but it...
jStevieo: Leave My Friend Chris Alone
Well well well. How times, and attitudes change eh. Not long ago, Steve was warned 3 times by Ivlog Moderators for harassing SexyChris with his dedicated casts towards his 'new found' friend. Then mix in some alcohol and some narcotics,...
Chris Calls BillyBobCesspool
I apologise for the lack of audio on last nights stream. That was down to me being a tit and turning the volume down using the keyboard before i went to bed, instead of using the audio mixer :-( Luckily,...