This had been going on for weeks, and the guy who gave Shawnio (aka Segagenesis1989) his Mods in the crap-chat, was as blind to it all like Stevie Wonder in a fashion parade. You see, Scuttlebutt is so insecure and sensitive, that...
Tag: scuttlebutt
Scuttlebutt: Another Teen Lover Revealed
Well well well, just like the Politicians and Hollywood stars, once one gets exposed, it never stops. What makes these all the more ironic is, MonkeySniffer and Scuttlebutt have laid into people like Nedrauk for him befriending teen boys online,...
The Sacking Of Billybobcesspool From Scuttlebuttscorner
OK, i think we all know the truth behind why Cesspool parted company with Scuttlebutts, you know, Janice getting all butt hurt over being banned from a website, then Cesspool logging in and deleting all their posts (lol) But who are we...
Clips Of The Week Ending 29-01-2017
Just a short one this week as there hasn't really been that much happening. But still, we get to learn a few things we didn't know this time last week. Did you know, and this one is for all the...
Lets All Laugh At Sniffy Boy
We know the Sniff is a few eggs short of an omelette, but Jesus Christ, even for the laziest blogger ever to live, he's gone and outdone himself with the IP doxx post. I was watching and recording IP on...