In case you weren’t around on Friday and missed it, our favourite little numpties made a return to Vaughn, 4 day’s after declaring they were closed and as Richard put it ‘ leaving this cesspit of a site’
Boy, did they come back in spectacular fashion, more angry and deluded as ever. It seem’s that 4 day’s of dust needed to be cleaned from the banning stick to which they are infamous, enjoy:
Then Vizzy popped in and i didn’t even see what she said, if anything? Along comes Willsmac with just an honest opinion of what these guy’s have become:
I think we all know what was coming after that lol:
Then the most bizarre bit happened, even for the UK Invasion:
So what do you reckon, is this a case of Paranoia, Bi-Polar, Insanity or are they just plain and simple…retards?
Nice to have you back chaps 😉