24 Hours With Christopher While

We decided to watch Chris (SexyChris) over a 24 hour period and record and show the highlights of what it is like to live the life of the infamous caster.


Chris does his nightly begging spree, claiming he won’t show himself on cam until people send him money. Poor RenegadeFaith enters his channel and innocently asks where Chris is. Chris tells her to send him money and he will show his face. A request that is politely turned down by Faith, which leads the great unwashed one to launch a tirade of abuse at her, calling her a ‘dickhead’ and tight bastard.

Faith is lovely, one of the nicest people on VL, so rather than get involved with name calling, she gives some honest advice to Barrow’s ballbag, advice that as expected, is ignored.

RenegadeFaith calls out Chris

RenegadeFaith calls out Chris1


Chris wakes up to the usual disgusting shit tip that is his ‘flat’

Chris filthy flat

But it’s ok, his mum will be down in a few hours, to spend ages clearing it all up, while stinky ass sits there and berates her.


His stressed out mother takes a break from sifting through the mounds of records, broken stereo’s, vomit and faeces, to have a cigarette and tell our demented lifecaster a few home truths.



After his mother performing nothing short of miracles and making his flat look half decent, Chris decides to treat his army of followers to an evening of entertainment. So with a microphone, a new hat and a shit stained Elvis outfit, let the party commence.


Chris with shit on elvis outfit

So, just an average day then….


Chris the Yid

John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

4 Thoughts to “24 Hours With Christopher While”

  1. Yes there comes a time to leave the dogs and the pigs to fight amongst their own shit. Basically I have washed my hands off this guy now. He disrespected peoples gifts by putting them in a bucket full of mixed chemicals or solutions.

  2. I believe so Sonchild. I haven’t watched any casts today, but have been told about it. I don’t know what’s happened to Chris. He’s gone from a kind, fun loving bloke to one of the biggest pieces of scum on the internet.

    I’m done with him myself, he’s got so nasty that every time i watch him now, i just want somebody to give him a slap and sort his attitude out.

  3. Angie2013

    He has changed a lot, the Elvis suit ended up in the sludge chemical bath he made along with other stuff, dont know where the old chris has gone, he gets trolled now more and more.

  4. baboultr

    hahaha Reading this blog post reminds me of that TV Series 24 Where things happen over a 24 hour period. Please do another one like this with chris lol

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