Tobiman & Cherrybreeze: The Unseen Footage (Updated)

Following on from the recent ‘grooming’ video featuring Tobi, his friends, and an extremely young looking girl, we can now release the previously unreleased footage of the doomed love affair between Tobi and Zoe.


** All the following video and audio are courtesy of Babs:

Tobi and Zoe fight from Karl Davies on Vimeo.

Cherry and Tobi Argue from Karl Davies on Vimeo.

Tobi & Zoe Audio 1 from Karl Davies on Vimeo.

Tobi and Zoe Audio 2 from Karl Davies on Vimeo.







Disturbing to say the least. Lets just hope this toxic, sordid affair is now over for good.

And if there is any justice in the world, the German Police will investigate what was obvious grooming on the Tobi/Bruzzi YouTube video.









9 Thoughts to “Tobiman & Cherrybreeze: The Unseen Footage (Updated)”

  1. The_Maze

    What ever issues Zoe may have no woman deserves to be treated like this, That Tobi is a controlling bully and as you said Karl hopefully they will investigate the Tobi?Bruzzi Videos.
    Those videos just prove how toxic that Tobi is.
    Babs did right in what he did trying to look out for Zoe.

    1. She said she has left him now. But, many women say the say thing when abused by their partner, then end up going back to them eventually.

      I agree regarding Babs, that’s why i was so disgusted with how she treated him afterwards.

      Lets hope she see’s sense now and goes away from casting, away from Tobi, and sort her head out.

  2. ShawniosRapedSister

    Yall fuckers are dumb, you report shit like Im sposed to feel bad for disgusting people. Cherry is gross, tobi is gross. Cast them off and be done already. Im not sure why you fuck with these sub humans. You know these people arnt worth a fuck, why give them attention?

    1. That’s the difference in UKM and Scuttlebutts. We tend to be more human, and understand empathy, instead of being so full of hate that we have to wish misery on every single person we come across.

      You should try it one time.

  3. fakers

    for all who said it was fake they can fuck off now where are they now screaming fake..

    1. anonymous

      She said she was worried he would abuse her before she left, he would yell and insult her on skype even before she went. She refuses to leave him. She brings this and drama onto herself. Nobody deserves to be beaten, but hard to have sympathy when you willingly put yourself in that situation and refuse to leave it. She loves the drama and playing the victim, she craves the attention. She lied to cops to keep Tobi out of jail. No remorse for women like this who enable guys like this.

  4. wake up

    Scuttles has a screen shot of what cherry looks like without makeup. For some reason it’s not letting me post it here. And it really is her, she confirmed it. Unless cherry gets off on a man abusing her she should stay clear of him. If not she just loves the attention everyone is giving her.

  5. LadyLaura

    Was this broadcast or was it private calls on skype? if so, then why were they on skype while having personal problems like these? It’s so bizarre.

  6. anonymous

    The person I feel worst for is Babs. Fell victim to cherrys shit show, where she stays with the fuckers who abuse her and ignore and turn on those who try to help. It is best just to not feed her the attention when she puts herself in situations like this, that is what she craves.

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