This woman is becoming the new AdamBro with her lies and delusions. She has now latched on to Jimmy Rizzo's channel and is trying to convince them all that she is popular on Vaughn... Here we start with her claiming...
Welcome To Mooney
After the lovely Nordschnack, Germany has given us another caster, in the name of Mooney. Only caught 30 minutes or so of her cast as i was in and out of here all night. But she certainly brought quite a...
We Are Back
We should now be fully migrated over to our new server from Blogspot. If anyone you know can't access the site in full under the usual domain, tell them to empty their cache and re-open their browser. It's been an...
Vaughn Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned
Wow, she seemed so nice in the beginning aswell. We are of course, talking about the beautiful, but bonkers Zoe, aka CherryBreeze. After the he did it/she did it e-breakup between herself and FoxmanShawn22, she came across as a tad...
Ivlog Looking For Staff
This should be classified under the job application of the year. At first i thought it was somebody trolling, but no, this comes straight from the official Ivlog Facebook group. So they 'fully train' their staff, to do what exactly?...