Believe it or not, i actually agreed with everything Simon was saying on Ivlog last night. I don't agree with the way he put it exactly lol, but it's hard to disagree with his main points. Some people are saying...
Tag: miss scruffy
Foxmanshawn22 Is On The Move (again)
For what must be the fifth or sixth time, the saviour of Vaughn, the King of Social Broadcasting, and the walking talking G-spot for the ladies, Foxmaaaaaann Shaaawwn got the boot, only this time for good. I missed the particular...
When It’s Time To Take A Step Back
What is going on at my beloved VaughnLive lately? There has been a sudden influx of DMCA's on casters, with people like Weewee and Edge Of Eight losing their channels, also this crazy banning of IP's if they look like...
RaunchFoxxx Praises The Lardo
Well, not quite praise, but... I take it they're not on each others Christmas cards list?
Miss Scruffy Plays With Foxmanshawn22
You all know the Foxman by now, sober = great guy, drunk = idiot. He was warned about his constant use of the word Nigga in his cast, so what does he go and do...uses it straight away, resulting in...