This Is Why VaughnLive Is Number 1

While the others like Ivlog and Uvlog are struggling to attract casters and viewers, Vaughn continues to grow by the week. In my opinion, the biggest reason for this is because on the other sites, the first hint of trolling and the ban hammer comes smashing down. But the simple fact remains, no trolls = no viewers = less casters.

Trolling doesn’t have to be all about dox’ing people, or mocking their families/children etc, trolls can be and are funny when done the right way. RealmanPwns is excellent with the trolls and Adambro21 can also take a good online bashing. For me, these shows are what makes Vaughn great and entertaining.

These clips were from a few nights ago after the infamous AdamBro and Nikki breakup. Just watch the chat and listen to Adam. I was literally creased all evening, which just shows….trolls can be fun 🙂








Could you ever see Shez or Dicky ever letting people say anything like this….nah, me neither.












John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

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