Pablo Is Telling Fibs Again?

As the fallout from the big ‘who is the DoS’er’ debate continues, Pablo decides to Skype Jimmy Rizzo, and put his side forward.


Sorry, but there is no way that Ryderbak can Photoshop that good lol, no offence. Now whether it was Pablo or not that DoS’ed Warrr, only he knows 100%, but if you go around threatening to DoS somebody, especially when you are live, then you can’t really moan when the finger points at you.


What was funny though, was Flanders, who claims to be a Network specialist, yet doesn’t seem to know how  DoS attack works?

Flanders 1

Flanders 2

Flanders 3


Flanders 7

So, you decide if Pablo is guilty or not.

I’m just sitting back and watching 🙂

John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

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