Ryderbak: Blame Mothers For Disabled Children

Welcome to another instalment of verbal diarrhea from the snot gulping loner, Ryderbak.

It’s basically the same ‘you’re a retard, spastic, degenerate, low life’ blah blah blah, but this time he turns on the Mothers of disable kids…..


That must of been awkward for Rory_fella. Here is his mate, saying that all downs/disabled children are like that because of their mothers, while his cousin, as he corrected me, is disabled.

The problem with Simon, is that he’s not this evil gobshite that he likes to portray. He’s just so low on confidence, that the only way he can feel noticed, is to get drunk and be as controversial as possible.

I think Dollparts broke him. If you watch him, he genuinely believes he’s ugly, worthless and boring.

Ryderbak’s not evil, just damaged goods.



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One Thought to “Ryderbak: Blame Mothers For Disabled Children”

  1. Angie2013

    You can see it in his Ryderbaks face when he rants, that he’s angry at his life for some reason.

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