SexyChris: Bloody Noisy Neighbours

You might be forgiven for thinking i’m trolling you when i say that Chris complains about loud, inconsiderate neighbours, but i sh*t you not, it really did happen.

Watch, as Chris goes mental over Casper playing loud music during the day!



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5 Thoughts to “SexyChris: Bloody Noisy Neighbours”

  1. Me

    To funny, When shitty makes a lot of noise its OK. When somebody else does it he gets mad.

  2. Dusty Bin

    Haha what got me is how people in chat were saying that his neighbour was rude for playing loud music. They have short memories, don’t forget when Chrisy wooo did exactly the same and did not care less, people called his neighbours for complaining to the council. Some were trolling yes, but his usual buddies seemed to think poor little Chris never makes noise.

    1. Anonymous

      His vilites think the sun shines out of his shitty arse. Yep they complain saying its not fair his neighbours play loud music well newsflash as said above it wasnt fucking fair when he played his music loud 24/7.

      But as usual they can see no wrong in whatever he does. Still keeps the retards in one room i suppose

  3. Ben the Bastard

    I would love Chris to be my neighbor, he really would have something to cry about.

  4. Rory

    I cracked up when the wee cunt complained about how much he spent for 4 cans.

    Amazing, because the little fucker has no concept of worth at all because he is so used to getting free money. Cunt.

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