Shez_Jackson Tests AGAIN

Our dancing disco queen Shezzy was back testing again yesterday on Vaughn. I’m not sure what he thinks will change from all the others, but his show has had more tests than a porn star during an HIV outbreak during the last couple of weeks.


It was nice to see Dicky back on Vaughn, and CaliVal aka Smiley_Cyrus aka Banksy and more. We just need Enema, Grandad and Ryan back now, then we will have the daily lulz back.

Now despite them wanting me to die and my dogs eat me ( i know, i laughed my balls off too lol ) and contrary to what Ryan think’s, this isn’t a hate blog and i wouldn’t wish any harm on any of them, so when i read this, i was a bit stunned:

But then i remembered it’s Shez, and we all know he tells the odd porky ( no pun intended) here and there, you know, like him working now (lol) and him spending time away from the internet (despite seeing him in other casts) so i’m not convinced that any of that is true, If it is, then i take it all back and wish him all the best with his health.
But Shezzy, there was hardly anything to you before, so if you have lost weight, you need to put it back on again, it ain’t healthy or cool looking like NorthernMonkey, trust me.

Anyway, lets hope they are all back soon and let the lulz commence 🙂

One Thought to “Shez_Jackson Tests AGAIN”

  1. Anonymous

    So yet another possible comeback by walter mitty, grandad will be ever so pleased

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