A Friday Night With NorthernMonkey

Instead of casting last night, i thought i’d see what Dickster gets up to on a Friday. Well after spending half an hour waiting for the ladies man to start his show, the boredom took over, so i thought we would have a little play 🙂

See how good Ivlog is coded, you turn guest chat off and fook all happens lol. Anyway, this seemed to put our virgin boy in a bit of a strop, which ended in him threatening to ‘beat me up’ lol.

I know, i couldn’t stop laughing either, this is a 8 stone nerd, threatening to quote ” slap the fat off me”
My head alone probably weighs more than this dude, but anyway, we continued to play with our little friend and then this happened….now, i suggest you are sitting down before you read this, as it highly likely that you will collapse… in fits of laughter lol.

3 Thoughts to “A Friday Night With NorthernMonkey”

  1. Anonymous

    A threat of violence coming from the nothing monkey. now that's enough to reduce a grown man to tears…tears of laughter. PMSL here

  2. feck, northern is such a knob.

  3. Being threatened by Dicky is like being threatened by a blind paraplegic.

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