They say everyone is good at something, and with Ryan, it’s being a tit. With the new Uvlog site coming soon, lots of it’s casters have been giving suggestions on what they would like to see and how they would like the home page to look.
Here we have Jacques DeNostrechat’s image of what Uvlog could look like.
Not one to miss a conversation about Uvlog, it doesn’t take long before halfwit pops up.
If you actually talked sense we would be pleasantly surprised. The he goes on to ask if they could add a screen green into the sites code (lol) even though he never even speaks, let alone goes on cam.
Then as per, he makes an utter cock of himself again.
You should stick to fantasising over dogs Ryan, it’s something you’re actually good at.
You can come out from under your quilt now Ryan its ok.