Paintgirl Says Fuku To Knightsabers

As you will of seen on various other blogs, the profile of Knightsabers actually belongs to a young lady who goes by the name of Paintgirl Fuku. Although it’s probably been one of the Internet’s most known secrets for a long time thanks to LetsStalk, Paintgirl isn’t a happy bunny at finding out some dude has been using her pictures to cast on VaughnLive.

So pissed was she, she even opened an account and did a cast under the name ‘KnightsabersisFake’ to express her disgust at being used to troll guys on the net.


Now you could tell she hadn’t been to Vaughn before, as instead of the love and support she expected, the guys decided to troll the life out of her, asking her for nude pics, phone numbers and most annoying for her, calling her THE Knightsabers and telling her they loved her blog etc…

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And with that, the delicious Fuku was gone! Will she come back? Probably not, but it was nice to finally see the real  Knightsabers  i mean, Paintgirl 🙂

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One Thought to “Paintgirl Says Fuku To Knightsabers”

  1. I am the REAL Knightsabers! Tremble before the power of Mr Kitty and Moi….also visit my blog… *sips juice box* >_>

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