Now the Cynics in us might think that the recent unbanning of everybody was a reaction to the public show of disdain towards the way Vaughn is run these day’s from a lot of it’s casters, but whatever the reason, everybody (well, nearly) has been unbanned from VaughnLive.
So with this, the Fox is back, and about time too. But now he has his stream key back, i wonder how long it will be before the kegs of alcohol that he consumes, will play it’s part in a 10 minute rant of the N word, or exposure of his backside, or worse!
Through experience, we’ll not bother predicting in Months, Weeks, or even Days.
a) 12 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 48 hours
d) 72 hours
Anything longer would just be silly.
Glad you’re back bro, even if it is short lived 🙂
I,m going for a bit longer 🙂 Weekend and it will be ban time