Adambro: Farts Crabs & Vaginas

For me, he’s the most hilarious caster left on all social casting sites these days. Over the years he’s come out with some classic quotes, and the other day was no different.

First up, we hear how Adam makes it clear and simple to any potential girlfriend, that there is strictly NO farting allowed.

Steal, sure, cheat..that’s fine, but let one rip and it’s straight down to the Divorce Courts for her!


Next we learn that Joker444 has a strange skin condition, we find out which UK female caster is the sexiest, and just how easy jail is 🙂


And to cap off a glorious night of entertainment, Adam explains his view on how a vagina would smell if he had his way.


I know some people don’t like him, but i genuinely think he’s top notch entertainment. He’s one of the few casters i can watch for hours, literally.

Adam Sir, take a bow 🙂

One Thought to “Adambro: Farts Crabs & Vaginas”

  1. Sidney

    Totally agree Karl, love Adam’s broadcasts, he is entertaining! I watch him too! 😉

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