SexyChris: The End! (UPDATED)

Well sadly, this time i have to say that it’s not just rumours and hearsay, it’s official.

The original is here

Now obviously, for legal reasons, we can’t say much more at the moment. But one thing we can say, is Chris was obviously lying again when he said the found nothing on his hard drives.

22 images found, eight of them Category A, which usually means the youngest/most vile images that can be made.

There are so many things i’d love to comment on here, but i don’t fancy influencing any upcoming trial, so until his fate has been decided one way or the other, i shall be keeping quiet.

Although he’s in Court on the 22nd June, this will more than likely just be a plea hearing, so don’t expect too much info just yet.

But to say he’s finished in casting is a fair enough comment i think, don’t you?

**New Footage**

Apparently, he told MeNellie that he did download those images and has admitted it all to the Police.

We have to be really careful how we report this until he has been found guilty or not guilty, so we must remind you that this is only an allegation from MeNellie, and we can not confirm 100% that he has actually admitted it.

More updates to come….

16 Thoughts to “SexyChris: The End! (UPDATED)”

  1. This is very shocking to me. I knew chris was a drunk, could be violent and a scrounger but I honestly never had him down as a pedophile. Even more shocking not only does it say he possesses these images but also of “making” them meaning he took some of the photos himself. I shall hold judgment myself until he has been found guilty or innocent but if he is guilty then I shall be taking down the soundboard site as I cannot promote such a filthy bastard in any way whatsoever.

  2. gaz

    we was right all along!

  3. mindwarp


  4. Babs

    I wonder what his biggest Supporter will say about this,You know who you are….


  5. alexanderadam13501

    I know mark gronan and menellie and banepwns hacked him and set him up
    i will see the Police involved in Chris While investigation and show them all the Vids and recording showing menellie and mark gronan and banepwns and other conspire against him for years and they have tormented abused and manipulated him,menellie will not walk away from this or anyone involved, we will not rest until justice is done

    1. 666666

      Really people like you make me sick. If you saw him download them you would still say he is innocent. The computer did it automatically, it wasnt him. Maybe you are Angel in yet another one of the millions of name you write or troll in.

      1. WayneFromWestLondon

        ruby, why are you hiding under that name ?. the last time shitty got arrested you cried those same exact words over and over.

        you and saggy tits controlled shitty like 2 horny old hags that haven’t been laid in years and were hoping to see him pound his pecker on cam.

  6. The_Maze

    Lipalert making is a term for when you download them, your basically recreating them, the fact there CAT A the most serious. its terms police use when they say making, your making it download to your computer, still a serious charge.

  7. alexanderadam13501

    menellie is a dirty liar he ,hes hoping that attention of him ,no chance ,menellie will not get away from his pedophile life,
    ironic the scuttlePEDOcorner is pointing fingers at chris when they are the sexual predators and gang pedo club of the Internet

  8. alexanderadam13501

    sexy chris would not have a clue where to find the dark net ,Police need to see the people in the dark who have abused and manipulated him like menellie ,who has admitted to being a child predator ,now he has a parasite relationship with amy
    menellie works with banepwns and Gronan all are sexual predators with a dark past and illegal activities
    this time Nelson your exposure will come
    …reap the storm

  9. rubypinkhair

    ruby his best friend always defended chris where is she now loool eating humble pie!!! with angelstormee

    1. ?

      I was thinking the same thing. You know, she always used to bash me on blogTV for being friends with someone she hated yet she’s friends with someone like that sick scumbag pedo freak. I’d love to see what she has to say.

  10. unclejack

    only difference between mnellie and chris while is mnellie hasn’t b een caught yet .. people need to rememeber mnellie openly admitted to film kids in local parks .. mnellie is a 40+ year old man.. and no one says nowt about it ..
    chris being sent to prision will only stop him casting for a short while dont fool yourself in believing that him gone for ever .. and mnellie smile while you can karma will see you right lad ..

  11. sherlockholmes

    Alexanderadam13501 = Brian christopher whiles friend, Case closed.

  12. WayneFromWestLondon

    if shitty told nellie about the kiddy porn. who else did shitty tell that kept quiet about it ?.
    saggy tits – beef fingers – brian6 – ruby – amy – welshguy << those are the people who shitty trusted the most.
    we all know that shitty couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it.

    and for you fucking retards trying to blame others for shitty downloading kiddy porn.
    when i first joined here i said. shitty was downloading kiddy porn of russian preteens taking a shower. all you pedo loving turds called me a liar.
    his kiddy porn addiction has been going on for years.

    so NOW do you believe me. it doesn't matter if you do. THE PEDO GOT CAUGHT DOING IT.

  13. Ben the Bastard

    There goes his nightly booze binge, no donations can be got at from the inside. No internet, your fucked now Chris!

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