This must be a first. A weekends highlights, that doesn't feature SexyChris ( well, not directly) So lets see what some of the casters have been up to over the last couple of days: Joe Walsh Reclaims The King Of...
Tag: freestyleradio1
NorthernMonkeys Had A Hard Weekend
Damn! You must be knackered taking care of those 7 viewers Dicky. Maybe you should take a few days off to recover ;-)
Our 1000th Post: How It Began
I can't believe this is our 1000th post, when in the beginning, it was only meant to be around for a couple of Months. So what better way to use it, than explain why we came about, where we got...
How NOT To Dress When 48 Years Old
Hey, look, i'm no fashion guru. But surely, if you are 48 years old, you don't dress and look like an utter twat. Well, apparently, John Crosby (aka Freestyleradio1) disagree's.
Shez Jackson Returns: Nobody Cares
Good old Shezza dusted off his dancing shoes and made an appearance on Ivlog last night. Although, you could of been watching any of his last dozen casts on a replay for what it was worth. Same old scenes, same...