Chris v Chris – Battle Of The Booze

You may have already watched it, but for those who haven’t, here is the full video of the infamous booze brawl 🙂


To be fair to Chris, he stood his ground when the heroin addict tried to deny it.

But i saw this coming weeks ago, here

The lad is vermin, and if Chris lets him back in again, then he deserves to be had over.




John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized


One Thought to “Chris v Chris – Battle Of The Booze”

  1. Angie2013

    Notice how Chris took his phone with him to toilet, he obviously dont trust the guy, but after he does steel from him gets caught doing it,,, lets him back in the next day, then again he did have some beer.
    and Chris (the caster) did rob the others chris’s tobacco the other week.

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