FAO Ryan

Care to explain this buddy?


Ryan telling lies about UKM

Not trying to be silly and accuse us of something there are we Ryan?

The original post comes from here


Now i don’t know what is going on here, but the rumour is Ryan is posting this around.

Be careful Ryan, because your two bob letters won’t work with our hosts. You can send as much cease and desist letters and DMCA takedown notices as you like, but you are out of your depth here.

We WILL post your full name and other information if you want to f*ck with us, and there is jack sh*t you will be able to do.

So keep us out of your own personal battles, or it might just come back to bite you on the ass!

John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

4 Thoughts to “FAO Ryan”

  1. Ok, Ryan has emailed us as he is sticking to his word of not posting here anymore, and is claiming it’s Photoshopped.

    Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but to be fair, i haven’t seen it posted anywhere myself, apart from on Scuttles.

    If anybody does see it, it’s a ‘hoax’ in the words of SexyChris 🙂

    We have NEVER hacked anybody and nor do we want to hack any website, or persons account(s)

    Love us or hate us, everybody is entitled to their opinion and we genuinely don’t mind.

    But please keep us out of personal disputes.


  2. Anonymous

    this screenshot pretty much sums up this “blog”


  3. http://prntscr.com/9qu1ip

    this screenshot pretty much sums up this “blog”

  4. gaz

    The kid is autistic as fuck karl, scuttles will know it has nothing to do with you, they have had to deal with the retard before.

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