Just when we got rid of the tedious Enema_within, thicko seems to be trying to take his place in boring us all to death.
For those that don’t venture over to Uvlog, Mark is promising a new look website soon. Whether this will make any difference to it’s lack of casters/viewers i doubt to be honest. But at least he’s trying and a lot of the guy’s over there are looking forward to any info regarding the new look, new features etc.
So, somebody makes a post on the new site, and then thicko decides to try and keep his name out there, by hijacking it (no pun intended) with a load of typical meaningless guff.
You can tell this guy idolises Tom and is desperate to be his best friend, but all you have to do is watch a cast when they are both in the the same room, and you can tell Tom just see’s him as an annoying fuckwit, it’s hilarious.
It would not surprise me if Ryans other hobbies are Train spotting and stamp collecting