Many people tend to look down on Prostitutes/Hookers/Escorts, as though they are filthy trash. But personally, as long as both parties get what they want, i don’t see anything wrong with it at all.
During a Skype call with Glensroom yesterday, MissRyanJones gave us an interesting insight in the oldest profession in the World. From the first time, to learning how to avoid the Cops.
Yes, those that have vile, sadistic pimps, should be taken away from the streets. But as MRJ explained, if you work for yourself, and you are more than happy to sleep with people for money, then surely it’s a win – win situation?
The man get’s to relieve himself, and the woman makes potentially, a lucrative living.
And before all you blokes come back with they are ‘whores’ insults, let’s just reverse the roles for a second. If men could get paid for having sex with women, even the ugly ones, how many of you guys would actually say no?
All i know, is that i’d be one rich MOFO, and not sat here blogging everyday 😉
After seeing her naked she should not have been charging lol.
Have you seen the size of that sarlacc pit shes got going on down there? Yeah I would NOT buy that for a dollar.
This post is pretty on point but unfortunately, you are leaving a lot out.I know if I saw miss Ryan jones on 755 Van Nest Avenue in the Bronx I would be so desperate for attention from something other than underaged children I would pay any price.
you would need to be desperate to sleep with that sti infested trash
I love prostution, i sleep with a girl all the time that I tried to get for years and all it took was $80
Fuckin Butter Teeth Glenn gets excited when any woman talks to him. Repulsing piece of shit.
Exactly “Fuck You” Glen Schoen is a POS.
I masturbate to Bill Plow