Remember him being all butthurt a few days ago over us putting his singing video up? Well, it appears YouTube have looked at it, probably laughed their ass' of and kept it up. So with Dicky foaming at the mouth,...
New Controversy On The VaughnLive
Mark decided that he's had enough of people complaining about guest chat, and as a result, made some changes to the control that staff would now have over broadcasters rooms. Well, hasn't this caused a storm lol. Now, in one...
MichelleStacey: Jelly Belly
Ever since she saw her arse with RealmanPwns and stormed off in a huff, she's been desperately trying to get back the attention she had in RM's room. From always being in SexyChris' channel, then she moved in on LDR...
LDR: Job Vacancies Available
Anybody that's out of work and is competent with computers, get yourself over LethalDoseRadio.Not dj work, although they are in dire need of them, but more in the graphics department. If you are capable of using MS Paint, or Photoshop,...
Chillin With TunesFm
It's a quiet Monday evening on Vaughn, no FoxmanShawn22, no Irelands Patriot, no Bishh (sigh) so i decided we would pop in and say hi to Craig.I like this guys attitude to life, nothing fazes him, even the trolls take...