Some of you will have seen the extremely short edited video over on Scuttles of IP talking about what he has on certain members from over there. But of course, anything posted over there is only ever allowed if it...
Tag: irelands patriot
Caine: Who The Hell Is MichelleStacy?
If there was ever any doubt on how deluded some people are, then this should just about kill it . *also available here: So because they have doxxed IP and his family, they now think IP has "been took down...
Jstevieo – IP Has 24 hours To Say Sorry
IP has well and truly ruffled the feathers of Sean Cassidy and his wee bunch of girls hasn't he ;-) For the first time today, i saw Jstevieo have a meltdown and lose his head completely over IP lol. Especially...
Lets All Laugh At Sniffy Boy
We know the Sniff is a few eggs short of an omelette, but Jesus Christ, even for the laziest blogger ever to live, he's gone and outdone himself with the IP doxx post. I was watching and recording IP on...
IP Interviews Von Helton On Google Hangouts
It's been fairly documented that Von Helton was back broadcasting, only this time opting to use Google instead of Mark's unreliable sites. So with no breakup, no servers crashing, and definitely NO servers at capacity to interrupt the cast, watch...