If you listen to what some people say about this website, you could be forgiven for thinking that we don't post any facts, only lies. One of the people that are known for making this claim is jStevieo. So in...
Tag: jstevieo
Lardo: Is JStevieo Full Of Sh*t?
I think anybody who has the slightest inkling of any sense and who has watched Jstevieo knows that there is more truth in man landing on the moon than there is coming out of Stevie's lips. We've highlighted so many...
Jstevieo Speaks – Hypocrisy As Per
The problem with years of consuming various class A drugs, is that eventually, it destroys your brain cells to the stage where you become a babbling vegetable. And there is no better example of this than when Stevie cams up....
jStevieo – My Trip To The UK
As dead as social casting is these days, when jStevieo is around, you are always guaranteed a laugh. Apparently, Stevie boy was visiting our lovely British Isles this weekend, and had planned a trip to Blackpool, and Leeds. Now maybe old...
The Friend Of The Blog Reveals All Part Two
This is the follow up to part 1, where Sean Cassidy (Caine) openly bragged about drugs, drug dealing, murder, and his opinions on jStevieo. *You can only really hear IP up until around the 13 minute mark, but then it...