Some Belated Messages

I never usually check the spam for emails sent in to the blog, because Akismet usually does a great job on filtering out all the junk. But for some reason, tonight, i just checked it, and there was a few emails sent in that ended up in the spam and went unnoticed.

So i apologise for not posting/replying earlier, i’ll have to have a look at the settings again and find why it’s gone tits up.

Here’s a couple of emails from Maddy…

Maddy wishes ukm happy new year

Happy New Year to you too Maddy

Maddy emails about Bradders

Nice to see that not everybody thinks that death is ‘funny’ as i saw somebody say on VL today.

We also had some that contained info that they don’t want being posted, so to respect their wishes, we’ll skip those.

Another one that ended up in the spam box, was an email from IP who gave us his 2015 Social Broadcasters Awards video.


For the healin 😉 Joking aside, IP has grown up over the last few years. He still has the odd moment, but when you watch video’s of him from 2-3 years ago, then watch him now, he’s doing what we all did at that age. Being a dick, then slowly growing up.

You have to remember, he’s young (still) and when i was that age, i was 5x worse than IP lol.

Anyway, once again, apologies for missing your emails, i will fix that asap.




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3 Thoughts to “Some Belated Messages”

  1. IP

    Yooo man, whoever emailed the video wasn’t me, lol. But I appreciate you featuring it, thanks

  2. Anonymous

    I loved IPs video so well done for that young man.

    I also think Maddy’s comments about Bradley were very sincere an example of how one should react to the death of someone so young.

    Im going soft in 2016 because I am not a fan of either of the above people but like the ukmuppetblog always says give credit where it is due and they both deserve it

    Oh and congrats to all IPs award winners especially the MuppetBlog

  3. Dusty Bin

    Good awards there and congratulations UK Muppets on your award looking forward to more of your blog for the year

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