Ryderbak – The Actor

If you watch his casts a lot, you’ll often hear him talk about being an actor, and that’s how he can fake tears and mood swings etc.

Well i was sat there last night, watching his channel, when suddenly, off come the pant’s, and you think ‘oh here we go again’ Scruffy will be along any second now and Simon will be banned.



But something kept playing on my mind, you know when you get those deja vu moments, and for the life of you, you can’t think what it is exactly?

Then it hit me….Simon is telling the truth, i remember him in Silence of The Lambs…


Of course, he was Buffalo Bill!



John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

One Thought to “Ryderbak – The Actor”

  1. Angie2013

    Why was i thinking full Monty ?. He is a character though

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