Carlosdangerr Introduces Jun

Introducing your partner to Vaughnlive is never the best of idea’s to begin with. But when you are Carlosdangerr, it’s Internet suicide lol.

It’s been a while since Emma graced our screens, and now we know she’s got a boyfriend, it sort of explains why. But will he be prepared for the harsh trolls on VL, and even more so, the revelations of her somewhat saucy past?


Give it 6 months and Emma will have produced the South Korean version of FoxmanShawn 🙂

Do jun know who he is?



John eyes_99-165_2nd_optimized

One Thought to “Carlosdangerr Introduces Jun”

  1. Katie says

    It seems to be a prequisite of females who cast on vaughn these days to have been in the porn industry in some way or another. Oh well it keeps the males happy is suppose lol

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