Remember the days of Joe Dutch, Alison, FoxmanShawn, Ginger, and Hebbers? The all day drinking, the pill popping, and the 'banishment' to the basement for being pissed as farts and falling into the dogs? And of course, the drunken bra...
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Karma Bites MeNellie Right In The Ass
What happens when you open mail that belongs to somebody else? Well in Chris Whiles case, he ended up getting arrested. In Nellie's case, well, watch and see ;-) Credit for the following video goes to those that emailed this...
Good To See Joker444 Is Well And Healthy
There's nothing like the build up to Christmas. Frosty mornings, decorations going up, and the unforgettable sound of when you have got the sh*ts! You shouldn't laugh at others peoples illnesses, me especially, as i'm only just getting over...
The Friend Of The Blog Reveals All Pt1
He's who Daniel (Monkeysniffer) used to refer to as " a friend of the blog" when he was talking about where IP's doxx came from. You will most likely know him as Caine. I have previously heard all the recordings...
Rizzo For Prime Minister?
I'm one of those people that prefer people to say what they mean, rather than pussy foot around because of political correctness. Especially so, when it comes to our Government. So just imagine Jimmy does a Donald Trump, and somehow...
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